IVF is a method of artificial fertilization by taking an egg to be fertilized by sperm in the laboratory. The fertilized egg is then implanted in the uterus, so pregnancy occurs. At present, the chances of success in IVF are higher, so this method is worth trying by couples who have difficulty getting offspring.
IVF or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most effective method of artificial reproduction. This method is increasingly popular in Indonesia, as evidenced by the high number of IVF actions carried out.
The success rate of IVF is quite high
In 2016, there were more than 7,000 IVF cycles in Indonesia. From 6092 new cycles (fresh), the success rate reaches 28% or 1701 cycles. This figure is obtained regardless of age, infertility problems, and IVF procedures used. While from 1551 frozen cycles (frozen), the success of pregnancy reaches 478 cycles, or about 30%. Percentages are obtained without involving age, infertility problems, and endometrial thickness when transferred to the uterus. From these data, it can be concluded that the chances of a successful IVF reach 1: 3. These opportunities increase if the age factor is taken into account. The younger the age, the higher the chance of pregnancy through IVF. The odds of success in the age group below 35 years reached 35.1%, compared to the age group above 42 years which was only 6.7%.Opportunities to Get Twins Through IVF
The IVF method is also suitable for those who want twins. In the process of test tube babies, some eggs will be taken to be fertilized by sperm. The goal is that at least one egg develops into an embryo. If it turns out that there are more than one embryo, all of them can be implanted into the uterus to increase the chances of multiple pregnancies. Eggs that are not transferred to the uterus can be stored by freezing. When there are two or more embryos attached to the uterine wall, twin pregnancies occur. However, do not expect babies born to be identical twins. In test tube babies, the chance of non-identical twins is greater than identical twins. In Indonesia, the average number of embryos implanted into the uterus is two, with the incidence of twin pregnancies resulting from IVF reaching 12.92% in 2016. Through IVF, women under 35 have a higher potential for twin pregnancy. than the age above 35 years.Who Should Undergo the IVF Program?
IVF program is highly recommended for married couples who crave babies, especially those who have the following conditions:- Having reproductive problems so that pregnancy naturally occurs.
- Aged 35 years or older, not yet pregnant despite routine sexual intercourse for six months without using contraception.
- Aged in the early 20s or early 30s, not yet pregnant despite routine sexual intercourse for a year or more without using contraception.
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